
 FungiScope® Introduction: Global Registry for Fungal Infections

20th anniversary of FungiScope®

We thank all active partners and those interested in the registry for your constant support over the years! You have made the registry what it is today: a global, lively platform where we have come together with the common goal of improving patient management, every day a bit more.
Thank you for being part of it!

The incidence of invasive fungal infections is increasing worldwide. While the etiology of this development has not been completely understood, evermore invasive medical care as well as increasing numbers of long-term immunocompromised patients are considered major contributing factors. To counter this development, diagnostic and therapeutic standards have been established for the most common fungi, i.e. Candida spp., Aspergillus spp., Cryptococcus spp. and Pneumocystis jirovecii. However, a wide variety of so-called emerging fungi accounts for a significant proportion of invasive fungal infections. Data on their epidemiology, pathogen biology and clinical course is scarce, often impeding evidence-guided decision making in the clinical setting.

To overcome these difficulties and eventually improve patient care, FungiScope® — Global Registry for Invasive Fungal Infections has been created in 2003. This registry is open to everybody who encounters and wishes to submit a case of a rare or emerging fungal infection in their clinical work.

 Overview on contributing countries, partners and central laboratories of FungiScope® worldwide.

What we provide:

This service may help clinicians decide on the approach to their individual patient by displaying certain case vignettes. Only fully queried cases are available through FungiQuest. Go to the FungiQuest Search Engine

For cases entered in our database, fungal isolates can be sent to our central laboratory for further analysis. To compensate for packing and shipment EUR 50 will be paid for isolates made available to the FungiThek.

You may contact our office and we will help arrange shipping. Please provide information on the sample type, date of acquisition and the case ID you have used for case documentation.

(Download shipment/invoice form)

Address for samples:

University Hospital of Cologne
Department of Internal Medicine
Center for Clinical Trials 2 Infectious Diseases
FungiScope – Andrea Will
Herderstrasse 52-54
50931 Cologne

For cases entered in our database and sent to the Institute for Pharmacology, University Hospital of Cologne, Germany concentrations of antifungal drugs can be determined. This service is provided free of cost.

Please complete the TDM form and send trough level samples (9 ml serum) along with the completed form

(Download TDM form)

Address for samples:

Prof. Dr. Carsten Müller
University Hospital of Cologne
Institute for Pharmacology
Gleueler Strasse 24
50931 Cologne
Tel. +49 221 478 5066
Email: carsten.mueller[at]uk-koeln.de


Our latest FungiScope® newsletters:

ID in Motion

Visit our YouTube Channel IDIM Infectious Diseases in Motion and have a look at the latest results of recent studies and publications in infection research, created and hosted by infectious diseases specialists at the University of Cologne, Germany.


For more educational content check out the ID in Motion Youtube Channel: