
Information according to § 5 TMG

FungiScope® – Global Fungal Infection Registry
University Hospital of Cologne
50937 Cologne, Germany

Person responsible for the content according to § 5 of the Telemedia Law (TMG) and §55 section 2 of the Inter-Regional Broadcasting Treaty (RStV): Prof. Dr. med. Oliver A. Cornely

The University Hospital of Cologne is a corporation under German public law. It is represented before the law by the Rector, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Edgar Schömig.

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Despite careful attempts to control the content, we accept no liability for the content of external links. Other operators are exclusively responsible for the content of linked sites.


The copyright for the images on this website is held by Sabine Reuter, Diploma in Design, Roisdorfer Str. 14, 50969 Cologne, Phone +49 (0) 221 356 8185, Mobile +49 (0) 179 1248095, (sr[at] and Dr. Danila Seidel (danila.seidel[at]

Website design

Responsibility for the design of the website is held by Dr. Danila Seidel (danila.seidel[at], Dr. Janina Leckler (janina.leckler[at] and Natalia Vasenda (natalia.vasenda[at]


E-Mail: fungiscope[at]